Stylish Post Pregnancy

I thought what better to write about than how to dress post pregnancy since this is my current wardrobe as well. I know after you have a child its almost worse than when you were pregnant because you bust out all your old clothes thinking you will fit right back into it and or you are nursing and some tops are just not conducive for that (I know I did lol). Unfortunately, for most it will take some time due to your uterus has to contract back down and well if your breast feeding you can forget most of your tight tops because they wont fit. Of course, you try to put on the pregnancy clothes but now they are baggy and unflattering and really who wants to wear those after, I know I was excited to box those up until next time. So talk about frustrating… maternity clothes are too big and your pre-pregnancy wardrobe is too small, so now your scratching your head questioning what to wear for the in-between time? Well ladies I have the answers below so get ready to become the fashionable new and improved you!

First of all, the best thing you can do is embrace your new and what I like to call improved body. There is something sexy about a woman’s body that has transitioned into motherhood. I know many men will agree with me on this. 🙂  The next thing is to get the correct undergarments so that the clothes fit properly. I can never stress enough how important the undergarments are when it comes to dressing everyday especially now. It can really make or a break an outfit. With that said a few key items you need are as follows:

Belly Bandit: This will be your best friend for the first few months it will not only help your body slim back down permanently, it will give you a slimmer trim immediately and just make you feel more confident. YOu may need to start with a larger size and then work your way down it will just depend on what fits. b4nafter belly-bandit-limited-edition-b

Hip Slimmer: For some of you ladies I know you are concerned about your hips that have widened! Well, worry no more they now make hip slimming compression corsets, who ever would have thought!


New bras: I am sure you are a pro by now visiting your favorite lingerie store, given that you probably shopped every few months for your ever growing breasts. There is nothing worse than wearing a bra that is too tight. So get get measured and be proud of your new size. Oh and look for bras with no wire, t-shirt bras are great! vsbra

Ok now that you have the undergarments its time to shop in your closet and see what will work and what you will need to shop for…. I also would advise to take anything out of your closet that does not currently fit and put it in a different closet or to the back of yours if you do not have an extra one. This way you wont get frustrated with the clothes that do not fit and it will take less time to dress each morning, you will only be flipping through clothes that look great on you!

Stretchy Fabric: Nothing is better than stretchy fabric when your in between different sizes. Search your closet for stretchy skirts, leggings, dresses and tops. These will be your base to create your new wardrobe around. Stretchy leggings are especially great for those mamas who have had c-sections.

Loose blouses: These are another great top to look for in your closet. Most likely they will still fit with your new chest size and will conceal any extra in your tummy.

Ok now that you have shopped your own closet its time to get a few things to complete your new look. One of my favorites for this summer is the ever classic maxi dresses. Not only are they figure flattering they are light weight for those hot summer days. Another few great stables are open sweaters and blazers. They can be thrown over your stretchy tops and loose blouses.

Last but not least accessories. Who said you can’t accessorize with a newborn. Yes I agree put away your nice necklaces, earrings and handbags away. Save those for a special occasion.

Teething Jewelry: If you haven’t heard the new craze is teething jewelry and the best part about them is they don’t even look like teething jewelry. They have so many options in styles and colors I am sure you will find something you like. sterlingsilver teething-jewelry-e1380699450860 teethingnecklace teethingnecklace2

Diaper Bags: Forget carrying a purse and just invest in a nice durable diaper bag, something you can wear for a few years that is versatile. A few of my favorite brands are Juicy, Kate Spade, Ju-Ju-Be, Gucci, Burberry and Marc Jacobs.  This would be one of the items you could splurge on since its going to be something you wear daily. Make sure you wear the bag and the bag does not wear you.

Burberry-Metallic-Leather-Diaper-Bag Diaper Bag 1 Gucci-Diaper-Bag juicy jujube



Clean out your closet of all tops and dresses that are not conducive for breast feeding that way you don’t get frustrated wanting to wear tops that you currently can not. Either put them in a different closet or in the back of your current closet.

Nursing Bra: These are an essential if you are nursing. And I will tell you that wired nursing bras are the devil. Who needs a wire bra anyways your breasts are most likely bigger than you are use to or maybe finally the size you always wanted and no reason to enhance them anymore. I found that comfortability is the key to motherhood. So look for cotton bras and I am right there with you if you want to feel cute and sexy, those are definitely available in cotton. They even have workout nursing sports bra for those mamas trying to get back in shape! Target, H&M and Macy’s have great selections at very reasonable prices. 1.0x0 a5bdab7774ef216f__8036523 la-leche-league-wrap-n-snap-nursing-bra-leopard leading-lady-cotton-nursing-bra-393x524


Nursing tops: Because comfortability is the key nursing tops are my absolute favorite. You can feel supported without having a million layers on and really easy to nurse when you are running about the town. These can be found at Macys, Target and H&M to name a few.

hmnursingtop nursingtops hmprodlilac-karen-crossover-maternity-and-nursing-top-2nursingtopsruffle

Button/zip downs: Best tops and really the only tops you can wear while nursing. So dig through your closet for those you currently have and if needed go out and buy a few more. Great places to shop for these are Express, Banana Republic and Macys. 

Nursing scarf: So if you are like me you dreaded nursing covers because truly they are way out to date and look like your are getting ready to cook something in the kitchen. Well don’t stress ladies because I found a great alternative they are called nursing scarfs. What I love about them is you can wear them so many different ways and they are very stylish and can be worn all day with your outfit if you want. These can be found at Buy Buy Baby, Babies R Us and Etsy.

ns scarf2

So who said you couldn’t be fashionable while nursing or getting your pre-pregnancy body back, NOT I! Ok my fashionista mamas…until next time stay styled right. xoxo FSR


How to dress for YOUR body…


With hot weather brings out some interesting outfits to say the least and with this heat wave the outfits have become more unbearable than the actual heat. I have seen this first hand more than ever living in California. And I have heard my friends say time and time again “what is she wearing” and this is usually referring to someone wearing a garment that is not suiting to their body type. So I figured this was a good time to give some guidelines as well as tips and tricks on how to dress for YOUR body type!


1. Understand your body: If you are a size 12 stop trying to be a size 6. Wearing garments that actually fit your body properly will make you look smaller. For example, if you know you have a large chest don’t squeeze into that dress that smothers them find something that compliments them.

2. Know your best body assets: This is my favorite trick when it comes to dressing different bodies! Did you ever notice in Destinys Child that each girl wore a different garment and it always showed off their best assets.


For example, have you ever noticed Beyonce wears mostly outfits that show off her legs to the max? Well that is done on purpose to give her butt the perfect look and show her other great asset her legs! Knowing your best asset(s) allows you to hunt for pieces that show off that asset.


So to figure this out stand naked in a full length mirror and look to see what looks good naked…

  • Arms: Wear a tank top or short sleeve garments and stop covering up those nice arms!!
  • Butt: Find dresses or jeans that make that butt look plump not flat. And just because you have a nice butt does not mean wear short shorts to literally show it off. Show it off with the right garment over the top.
  • Chest: If appropriate where those plunging necklines and be more conservative below.
  • Legs: Go conservative up top and show off those legs with a great pair of heels
  • Back: Go for those backless dresses and open back tops.
  • Stomach: Wear those cute mid drift tips that are such a big trend right now!

3. Know your troubled areas: Just like you stood in the mirror to find your best assets do the same to find your troubled areas. Knowing these areas will help to find garments that will disguise these. For example, your trouble area is your thighs. Even though it is hot resist the urge to buy those short shorts and purchase a pair of capris or a flowy long skirt and disguise the thighs. Wear a more light weight shirt since you will be wearing a long covered garment below.
4. Just because they make it in your size does not mean you should buy it: Not every garment is meant for you just because it comes in your size. This goes back to knowing your body and finding the best garments that show it off appropriately.
5. Being able to zip up that garment does not mean it looks good on you and fits you properly: Sometimes it’s not even the women squeezing into the dress that is too tight making their chest spill over… it can also be the skinny girl who puts on the jeans that are so tight she literally has a pancake butt.

6. Undergarments are the key: It is so important to wear the appropriate undergarments with your ensemble. I can not stress this enough that a well fitting bra and the correct underwear will make your garments fit ten times better. That means no panty lines and no rolls seen through shirts. Panty lines can be avoided with the famous “seamless panties”! And no rolls can be created by using tummy controlling garments. You would be surprised how many celebrities that have great bodies wear spanks and other body controlling garments!

7. Less is more: I’m sure many of you have heard this before! Many women have the misconstrued conception that showing off more skin makes them more sexy. But in fact it has been proven that men like a little left to the imagination.

Ok ladies… you now have all the tips and guidelines to successfully dress for your body. So remember your best assets and troubled areas and dress accordingly! I guarantee you will get more compliments than ever before and may even meet Mr. Right instead of always Mr. Wrong!!

Until next time my fashionistas! Stay styled right! xoxo FSR

How to DRESS without STRESS…

I am sure at one point or another you have been running late for work and flipping through a ton of outfits feeling nothing looks good so then you always go back to the few pieces you always wear. And I am sure you have been asked out on a date and the first thing that runs through your mind is “what am I going to wear”. It was only last weekend that I was getting ready for a birthday dinner that I began to have the same issue. Yes even personal stylists can have fashion crisis’s! lol (It was then that I realized I was due for another closet clean out).  So now the question is how to avoid getting dressed under stress. Being stressed for time and trying to figure out what to wear is the worst. You are frantically trying to put something together but nothing is working so you end up with some mediocre outfit and of course during the day you probably run into your ex or are asked to give a presentation at work at even better asked out on a last minute lunch date. And now all you can think about is how you wish you had something else on. Well lucky for you I have some helpful steps so you too can learn to get dressed without stress!!

STEP 1: Get rid of the dead weight…

  • Make 3 piles: Give away, fix and find a match.
  • I know many of us do not like to let certain items of clothing go thinking to ourselves “one day I will wear that” or “I do not know what to wear with it but I love it”. First of all we all know the items we say “we will wear one day” never get worn so in that case put that in the give away pile.
  • If you just can’t seem to part with a few of the pieces you think you “will wear one day” start doing what I like to call the “REVERSE HANG”. What that means is every time you wear something and put it back in your closet hang it facing the opposite way. Then every six months look at all the items still facing the normal way and those are the items you really need to put in the give away pile.
  • Look at your “find a match” pile and create a list of items you need in order to complete those pieces to make an outfit.
  • Now that you have completed this step you should already feel a lot lighter. 🙂

STEP 2: Go shopping…

  • Pick out only the pieces that you put on your list. This is all you need for now.
  • I also have a package for this type of shopping if you are in need of some help. 🙂

STEP 3: Pick out your outfit the night before…

  • Do you ever remember doing this as a child the night before the first day of school? I definitely remember how excited I was to wear that outfit the next day and how all I had to do was get ready and put it on. There was no changing 5 or more times and staring at my closet. Thus, this is exactly what you should be doing every night before going to bed… trust me it works!!!
  • If you have 2 places to go that day, say work and a girls night out well then lay both outfits out. This will save you so much time in the long run and really help you avoid getting dressed under stress.

Ok, see that wasn’t so hard. Three steps and your now getting dressed with ease! Until next time stay styled right my fabulous fashionistas!! xoxo FSR

Chilly night’s call for OVERSIZED Sweaters!

You know Fall is in full effect when Southern California starts to have chilly nights! I was quite surprised to wake up to rain falling this morning as well. Thus, I decided the perfect trend for today was oversized sweaters! There is nothing better than being comfy on a gloomy cold day!


How to style this trend: Try pairing an oversized sweater with leggings and boots and if your feeling edgy try it with a fitted mini dress, textured tights and knee high boots!


Also, don’t be afraid to wear this trend to work; just add a belt around the waist put on a pencil skirt and ankle booties with tights and you are ready for the office!



Finding the best oversized sweater for your body:

1. If you have curves tuck part of the sweater into your jeans or try an asymmetric style.

2. If you bigger below bring the focus up with color and cut. A sweater that is longer in back will elongate your legs. Also, try pairing it over a long flowy skirt.

3. If you are thin try a chunky sweater. Shine will add curves above!



Until next time stay styled right! xoxo FSR

Fall into Equestrian Style!

Are you ready for fall? Have you started to add great pieces to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall?

Well, whether you have or have not fear not FSR is here to help you ease into fall with just a few great ideas! After working in retail for many years I have noticed many people have the misconception that they must buy a whole new wardrobe for each season. And that may be great for some who have an endless supply of money. However, for those who may be on a budget a few pieces are all you need. It is truly unnecessary to start over each season with a new wardrobe. Me being from Seattle an transitioning into Southern California I had to learn how to combine to totally different wardrobes. Now going into my third Winter in California I have learned that with just a few great pieces and adding a few additional trend pieces my wardrobe is ready for Fall.

This Fall is particularly trending with an Equestrian Style. So a few pieces that would be great to update your style for Fall as well as adding a touch of Equestrian Style are as follows…

#1. Essential must have for Fall is a great pair of boots! And why not try an equestrian inspired pair! I am especially loving the black and brown combo!



#2. Equestrian inspired belt! Belts are always a great way to define your waist. And also a great way to accessorize a chunky sweater!



#3. Burgundy jeans! Not only can you style them with your equestrian style boots they are the current color trend for fall as well.


#4. Equestrian inspired jewelry!



#5. Tweed blazer! Style over a sheath dress to go to work or a pair of jeans and boots to go on a date! This is definitely an essential piece that can be worn year around as well. This is a piece I would suggest splurging on!


Here is an example how you can style your tweed jacket on warm days! My motto is versatility, versatility, versatility!


#6. Colored tights! Take many of your summer dresses and skirts and transition them into fall with just the simple add on of a colored pair of tights!




#7. A piece of leather! Somewhere in your wardrobe you should have a great piece of leather whether it is a top, jacket, vest or even pants! This Fall is showing leather to also just be an accent on a garment! Let this be where you show your personal style! Here are just a few examples…



#8. Wool Hats! These are also great for Summer and Fall!



Ok, now that you know the must have pieces to transition your style from Summer to Fall its time to go shopping! Make your appointment today for your free consultation! Email >

Until next time stay stylish and fabulous! Xoxo FSR

CALLING ALL MEN…Let’s shop for denim!

It used to be that when it came to men’s denim there wasn’t many options and once they found a brand that worked those were the ones they stuck to for life. For most men that was great, less option less hassle. However, that is not the case today, in fact it is the total opposite. Men have almost as many options as women do when it comes to cut and wash. That is why I have come to the rescue to give all you men the inside scope when it comes to shopping for denim. I know many of you still love classic Levi’s, which is great but there are definitely more options today, so why just stick to one style and brand? Depending on the outfit you will want to chose the best denim style that should be worn with that look.

Now before even deciding what jeans you will purchase here are a few good pointers:

  1. Determine your size. Men’s denim sizing is Waist-Inseam (example 32-34).
    1. Measure your waist and inseam. (We are in 2012 sagging is out!!! Even Lil Wayne has changed his ways!)
      1. To measure the waist, decide where you want the waistband of the jeans to sit and measure that area. Men that have a slight beer belly may want their jeans to sit under the belly.
      2. The inseam measurement is the measurement from the crotch to the bottom of the jeans.
  2. Determine your build. Are you slim, average, athletic and husky?
    1. Slim = thin builds
    2. Average = regular cut, no qualifiers
    3. Athletic = trim and muscular
    4. Husky = thick build
  3. Determine comfort preference. What do you prefer when it comes to the cut in the seat and thigh?

    1. “Full-cut”
    2. “Relaxed fit”
    3. “Loose fit”
  4. Try before you buy.I know men have a tendency to buy items before even trying them on but it is truly important with denim to try them on. Not only should you try them on you should walk around in them and sit in them.
    1. Denim should actually fit.
    2. If they stretch out as you are wearing them around go down a size in the waist.

So now that you have figured out your size and you know not to just buy them, now I can give you a breakdown of different styles and washes that would be best depending on your size, stature and style.

Skinny Jeans: This style denim is seen a lot on rock-stars and boho styled men. You must be of a very slim build to carry these off. Some men I have seen even pull off the colored skinny’s. Just beware if you are going to carry off this look make sure they are well fitted as you will stand out. I would recommend sticking to green, blue, white and red. When shopping for this style my favorite is Commune (sold at Nordstrom).

Boot Cut Jeans: If you have an athletic build this style is for you! Some tend to be wider at the bottoms then others so make sure to put shoes on to insure they look correct. These should only be worn with boots (cowboy or motorcycle boots) or high tops.  Check out Hudson and MEK Denim when shopping for this style.

Straight Leg Jeans: If you are a slender “slim” build this would be the best style denim for you! This style denim is great to wear to the office on “casual Friday”. It’s not sloppy and but relaxed enough that you are still comfortable. When it comes to shopping for this style check out Diesel and Dsquared.

Light Wash: Leave these for your day time wear, such as going to a BBQ or walking around by the beach. You really need to only have one pair of these in your wardrobe and ps. having rips and tears in your denim is not attractive it makes them look old and worn out. it may have been a trend a few years back but again we are in 2012 lets stick to a classic light wash that are hole-less. When purchasing this wash make sure to look for a softer denim as it will hold the color better.

Dark Wash: This wash should be in every man’s wardrobe, it is a style must! A pair of dark denim can take you far with many different outfits. I love a pair of dark denim paired with a crisp white shirt and a blazer. You can wear these out on the town with the boys as well as a nice dinner date and even to church on Sunday! You can truly never go wrong with this wash.

Raw Denim: This style is for denim lovers, because of the car maintenance and cost. After you have a few pairs of denim then you can go ahead and buy a pair of raw denim. This style will be sure to keep your outfit looking sharp and give it a unique twist.  My favorite brand and probably the only brand I would recommend buying would be G-Star Raw.

Industrial Denim: This style is also for denim lovers who are looking to take their style up a notch. Leave these out of the office and/or to meet your girlfriends parents for the first time. 🙂  G-Star, Goldspun, 883 Police

Stay tuned for part 2: How to CARE for your denim.

Ok men….now that you are all DENIM EXPERTS its time to go out and snag yourself a few new pairs of denim! Until next time stay styled right! xoxo FSR


Have you dared to try the nail colors of this season? Do you even know what is the big trend colors right now? Maybe you are not daring when it comes to your clothes but I at least dare you to be a fashion risk taker when it comes to your choice in nail polish color. Every season means new color trends, this extends from the color of your shoes all the way to the color of your finger nails. Almost every month or so a nail color seems to become the new trend. If I could I would change my nail color as much as I change my underwear! [LOL] There are so many colors I like but having the time to change my nail polish color that often is unrealistic. What I love most about this trend is that EVERYONE can follow it and can totally pull off the look. And really a color is never not in trend it just may not be the “it” color but you can still rock any color of your choice. I still wear burgundy in the summer even though it is a fall color and from last seasons “it” color. I will say there are definitely inappropriate times for outrageous nail colors such as lime green, bright yellow etc but for the most part there are no restrictions when it comes to playing with your nail color. You still want to be stylish when even being outrageous with your nail color so here are a few helpful tips when it comes to choosing your nail color and how to make sure you are still styled right even when it comes down to your nail color…

#1: Choose a color that you could at least rock for a week (we do not have time to be changing . Maybe choose some outfits even around that nail color. Often, we choose outfits based off a pair of shoes we just purchased or a new jacket so try it with your nail color. You might be pleasently surprised with the outfits you will come up with!

#2: If you are going to be daring with your nail color than be DARING! Do not be shy, be BOLD. Try that bright yellow or fierce melon green. Just be sure to paint your whole nail solid do not I repeat DO NOT just have your tips done, we want to be classy and stylish ladies!

#3: Tone it down for job interviews and job presentations. Bright colors can be distracting and not very professional even if you are in the fashion industry. I would choose neutral colors or french tip for these occasions.

#4: Chipped = REDO. Ladies, there is nothing worse than wearing a bright colored nail polish that is half chipped. Either buy the nail color and keep it in your purse to touch them up or take the color all the way off.

#5: Not that I ever condone being matchy matchy but depending on your outfit you may want to try to at least coordinate your nail polish color with your outfit if you are going to a special event (there is nothing worse than wearing an evening gown or cocktail dress with an apparent nail color that clashes to the fullest, I hear the FASHION POLICE siren).

#6: Keep them trimmed. If you are going to wear bright colors or even dark colors shorter nails always look better!


#1: O.P.I (Long lasting)
#2: Butter LONDON (Fun colors, a lot of sparkle colors)
#3: Chanel (Great colors but chips easy)
#4: deborah lippmann (Fun colors and long lasting)
#4: Essie (Good neutral tones)

If I am going to be OUTRAGEOUS here are the colors I am wearing right now…

O.P.I "Mermaid Tears"

Chanel "Peridot 531"

Chanel "Graphite"

O.P.I "Banana Bandanna"

What color are you going to DARE to WEAR?? Be BOLD be STYLED RIGHT!

Vintage Snob!



Have you ever wanted to vintage shop however you walk into the store and you have no idea where to even begin, let alone how to decide if you are getting a good deal or not? I know when I lived in Paris, France for a month one of the many things on my to do list was to go vintage shopping. However, I discovered very quickly just like you how overwhelming it can be if you do not go in with a mission in mind. When I say “mission” I mean you have already decided on what piece(s) of clothing or accessory you are going to be on the hunt for. And when I say “hunt” that is not an exaggeration because most vintage stores are jam packed with a million in a one different styles of clothing, shoes, handbags, accessories and an array of other miscellaneous items. I know the first time I walked in I turned around and walked right back out; I can barely handle shopping at Nordstrom Rack let alone shop in a vintage store! At least at the Rack there is more than one size of a certain garment, at vintage shops all hope is lost immediately when needing a different size for  garment you have just gushed over!  I would have to say that is the most difficult part about vintage shopping you could totally fall in love with a certain piece to only be disappointed when you put it on and discover it does not fit. Now I am a huge believer in tailoring clothes to fit you correctly however some pieces a tailor can not fix enough to make it fit right. You may lose the shape and or design of the garment and that is the whole point of vintage shopping; classic silhouettes that are hard to find in most retailers today.

Some of you may be thinking, I do not even want to bother with vintage shopping. However, once you experience the feeling of wearing garments that were hand made with fabrics of top quality and in a wide variety of silhouettes that are just beautifully crafted; you will appreciate vintage shopping that much more. You are guaranteed to find a silhouette that is best for your body type while wearing a garment that will allow you to be uniquely dressed; what a deal! No matter the season, you can find the silhouette that is right for you, you are no longer constricted to the trends of each season. Because as I have explained in early posts being STYLED RIGHT is not just wearing the trends of the season, it is wearing garments that make your body look its best and purchasing ONLY the trends that enhance your existing wardrobe. A true stylish woman knows what looks best on her body and only purchases items that follow those guidelines no matter what is in or out for the season. Thus, learning to be an expert vintage shopper is a major plus to your wardrobe.

Here are tips and tricks to becoming a VINTAGE SNOB…

Best pieces that are total bargins: Even though these items may still be a little pricey; the quality and interesting styles are totally worth it. These are pieces you will not find in retail stores and ones that will be one of a kind!

  • Anything leather
  • Beaded and embellished pieces
  • Cashmere sweaters
  • Trench Coats
  • Fur
  • Tailored pieces
  • Camel-hair coats
  • Cocktail and evening dresses

RARE finds, a vintage shoppers dream garments to find: Do not pass up these pieces if they look great on you, you will kick yourself later if you did not snag these garments as you come across them because guaranteed if you go back they will not be there.

  • Mary Quant minis
  • Yves St. Laurent tuxedos
  • Halston jersey dresses
  • Diane von Furstenberg wrap dresses (first season)
  • Sheath dresses by Christian Dior, Coco Chanel and Hubert de Givenchy
  • Trench coats by Burberry or Auascutum
  • Accessories by Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Bonnie Cashin for Coach, Chanel, Calos Flachi and Bottega Veneta


Fabric: Be on the look out for pieces that are well made by looking at how it drapes and feels. Fabrics that are coarse, stiff or fuzzy stay away from! If you can find 100% cashmere snatch it up also any silk fine fabrics are also good finds. Also, do not buy if the fabric is shiny, faded or discolored.

Condition: Because these garments have been previously owned and are probably at least 10 years old or more it is important to examine the garment thoroughly looking for holes, stains and other signs of wear. Look closely at the seams and closures, if either feels weak that is a sign of dry rot (meaning DO NOT BUY). Look under the arms and examine the collars, cuffs, waistbands and closures for signs of friction or perspiration stains. Vintage shopping is just like shopping for an old classic car; you want it to be in mint condition with little wear and tear. Those are the finds worth paying the price for! 🙂 Just because a piece is vintage does not mean just purchase it, it must possess all the qualities for it to be a great vintage find! You would never go into a retailer and buy a garment that was torn or had a stain on it so why buy a vintage piece that does? Also, when looking to buy a vintage handbag make sure all hardware works. And for shoes check for abrasions and cracks (those are big no nos).

Label: A lot of people make the mistake when vintage shopping to only look for designer labels. When people do this they actually miss out on what I consider to be higher quality than some designer labels. Back before the mid-twentieth century, a lot of garments were hand crafted by local dressmakers who put their own name and city they were from on the label. Also, many retailers would use their own tags. If you find garments like this you can be sure that they were not mass-produced and are of high-quality. Furthermore, not only can the name of the label tell you a lot but the way it is sewn on can tell you even more. If the label itself is completely sewn down (especially if it is woven on) it is of true high quality. I know  it is funny how much a label can you tell you about the garment; you would never really think that but now you can say you are a total label horror when it comes to vintage shopping and that is actually a good thing [lol].

Workmanship: Since many vintage garments are handmade you should expect noting less than top-notch workmanship; both inside and outside the garment. The most obvious giveaway is the buttons, if they are made of brass, pearls, bone or jet you can be sure you are in the presence of serious quality. If the buttons do not give the garment away look at the bottom holes (see if they are beautifully bounded). Next, look at the seams, nothing should be left raw. If the garment is of finest quality the edges would be turned and sewn under or binded. There will be no bumps or ripples in the seams. Additionally, the lining will usually be made of beautiful fabric, like silk, in a breathtaking pattern or color. If there is no lining do not be weary, however wool should definitely be lined. Just like in life the smallest things make the biggest difference same can be applied here. Surprising details to a garment like inside pockets, dress weights are always good indications of a well made garment.


Oh and most importantly I cannot forget to talk about SIZE! It is not uncommon for a vintage garment to have no size tag, either it was cut out or it was made to measure. And really even if the tag does have a size it may have been altered which changes the original size and/or it may be of a European cut. Like I have said before when shopping size really does not matter it is truly based on how it fits when you put the garment on. Thus, it is really important to TRY ON each garment before purchasing (most likely there is no return policy). However, vintage stores can sometimes make it difficult to do so, so its important to come prepared; meaning dress for the hunt! Wear baggy pieces so you can slip pants or skirts on underneath, wear layering tops so you can slip on top garments over slim tanks. If the garment is too small just put it back, however if the garment is too big see if it can be tailored to fit you look at where the seams are placed and zippers are as well. If so go for it but if you think it will be too tricky again put it back!


Vintage Boutiques: Can be compared to “Off 5th” (Saks Fifth Avenue discount store). This is where you will find the largest selection of most garments being in great condition and are usually of higher price because of their collectible value. The staff will be the most knowledge out of the three different types of shops and the most organized (which is definitely helpful). Shops like this will have finely honed selections because for the most part owners will have focused on one or two decades. I would suggest you shop here until you have figured out how to really dig for the buried treasures!

Lemon Frog Shop (BEST SHOP)

1202 N. Alvarado St.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Lemon Frog Shop is one of Los Angeles’ most unique vintage clothing boutiques for women. Located at the border of the Echo Park and Silverlake districts on Alvarado and Sunset, we’re Hollywood’s fashion trend setters’ best kept secret. At this shop you you can find one of a kind, rare clothing and accessories from the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s in every price range.


Consignment Shops: Can be compared to “Nordstrom Rack”. This shop will have a wide array of garments with no specific time frame from when the pieces originated. Here people can sell their gently worn items, the store owner will most likely take the garments and accessories as long as they are clean, are in pretty good condition and not more than a few years old. Most likely if you are wanting to update your wardrobe with pieces from today’s market this is the shop for you but if you are looking for true vintage pieces dating way back when this will NOT be the shop for you. Also, it is definitely not as organized, however the staff are usually pretty knowledgeable.

Thrift Shops: Can be compared to “Ross”. Merchandise in this shop have all been donated, usually to benefit charity so not only is the inventory huge, varied and in constant flux the sales people are not knowledgeable and it is most likely completely unorganized. Trust me when I say unless you have been vintage shopping for years STAY AWAY! Only shop here when you know EXACTLY what you are on the hunt for because if not you will become quickly discouraged and frustrated. However, if you have become an expert or rather a “vintage snob” these shops can be the best places to shop. Because the prices are low even on the finest of garments and most people shopping in here do not have the same purpose as you so it can be a true benefit once you have mastered the craft of shopping vintage!

Ok, so now that you have all the tips and tricks I can think of you are on your own. In no time, I am sure you will turn into a Vintage Snob just like me! As much as vintage shopping can be a chore it can also be like treasure hunting. Trust me after you find you first few amazing pieces you will create a true love for the hunt. So goodluck and happy hunting! Ps. I would love to hear about your great finds so email with your goodness!

Traveling in STYLE

“On a long journey, even a straw weighs heavy”…

Okay, I admit I was totally that woman at the airport with way too many pieces of luggage and on top of that my luggage always weighed over the 50 lb limit. And then I would try the batting of my eyes to say “please its only a few pounds over”, well it usually worked but not always! 🙂 I would be going on vacation for a week but it looked more like I was going for a month. This was my thoughts as I was packing…”well I made need this top and I need these shoes for this dress, and these earrings for this outfit”. My packing would continue like that until my suitcase was so stuffed I would have to get another one out. Eventually, I learned that half of what I packed I never wore and on top of that who wants to look a mess in the airport, I could barely even carry everything! It is never a good look to be struggling to carry your bags, although it may snag you a cute guy to help you but most likely you will just look really unorganized and not put together. And if I am not mistaken as a woman, we should always look put together, organized and of course stylish with little to no effort.

It is not uncommon for women to struggle when packing between wanting to be prepared for every eventuality or fashion whim and needing to actually be able to carry their luggage. Packing is truly a serious game of give or take, while common sense tells you just to pack less, your fashion sense tells you pack everything you may need. I am sure you have thought “come Saturday night I may be yearning for those blue pumps or that black top”. You are now in a fashion and packing dilemma but fear not I am here to rescue you from packing hell!!!! Below will be your packing bible, be ready to take notes because I am going to teach you how to pack smart and chic for any vacation trip! With a little planning a lot of organization you will have created a vacation wardrobe of mix- and-match basics that cover all your needs while even leaving room for those great accessories you cannot leave behind and maybe even one or two special pieces. Packing smart will in-turn allow you to travel in style and that is the whole idea! So here you are ladies: this is how to pack and travel in style…


  1. Planning
    1. Do your research: Meaning read the guidebooks and travel sites for your vacation spot, check the weather for your entire stay and call your hotel to see what amenities they have (this may allow you to leave some amenities behind such as a blow-dryer, iron etc.). Doing these three things will help you decide what to bring making packing already that much easier. You should be able to weed out certain items you may have considered taking before.
    2. Make a list: I know this may sound really tedious and time consuming but trust me when I say, this will help immensely. Make a list, day by day of all your planned activities and even possible activities; such as shopping, horseback riding, sunbathing, dinner, dancing, etc. Then pick out an outfit for each event. This is also great because you will have a record of what you packed, just in-case anything should happen to your luggage.
    3. Edit your choices: Okay brace yourself this is the hardest part! Once you have decided what you would LIKE to bring, lay everything out and create ensembles; this includes lingerie for each outfit and accessories. Now look at all your outfits and see where you can overlap or where you may have duplicates of something similar. This is where you cut back and limit yourself to one base color, this will force you to mix and match creating outfits maybe you wouldn’t have thought of in-turn you will get more than one wearing out of almost everything you bring (and look your becoming more fashion savvy while packing who would have thought). I consider the chicest woman to be the one who can work a sweater in three or more ways.
    4. Take precaution with shoes: Chose very wisely, this is where a lot of weight can come in. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT bring a pair of shoes that can only go with one outfit! The only exception is if you are going to a special event such as a wedding other than that, these shoes must stay at home. I know it will be hard but I know you can do it! What you need to bring are a pair of comfortable walking shoes (flats, etc) and something for evening. Try your best to only bring two pairs, definitely no more than three.
    5. Add color: Since your base is neutral add color through scarves, thin knits, colored belts, statement jewelry and t-shirts. These items will enhance your wardrobe and will take up little space in your suitcase.
    6. Fashion show TIME: Now that your wardrobe is complete its time for a mini fashion show in your room, check for missing buttons, stains and falling hems.
    7. Mini toiletries: Prepare a small bag with all miniature bottles of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, moisturizer, etc. This should always be ready for travel, this will save you a lot of time later (fill everything back up when you get home from your trip so you are ready for next time).
  2. Packing
    1. Close all closures: Zip, button, snap all closures on every item to insure each piece lays flat.
    2. Layer: Pack all your heaviest items first and anything you will need immediately when you get there pack last.
    3. Wrinkle safe: To insure the least amount of wrinkle, turn your dresses, jackets, and shirts inside out. If you have room stuff your jacket and blouse sleeves with tissue paper and most importantly line everything in plastic before folding. (Also, if you need a quick steaming of your clothes hang them in the bathroom turn on the shower and shut the door!)
    4. Roll-and-stuff: This is the best way to get the most use out of the space in your suitcase. Small items such as underwear, socks, sleepwear, scarves, t-shirts and anything wrinkle resistant should be rolled and stuffed into the dead spaces in your suitcase (example, inside shoes).
    5. Pack to the max: Try your best to not leave excess room in your suitcase so chose the appropriate size suitcase for your travel needs. This will keep things from wrinkling and moving around to much while your suitcase gets abused at the airport. 🙂 If you plan to shop stuff an empty duffel bag in your suitcase.
    6. Weigh it: No more than 50 lbs is your goal! Weighing your bag ahead of time will save you money and time at the airport. A great device is the Digital Luggage Scale, I swear this has become by packing buddy, it has yet to fail me! If your luggage is over weight reevaluate what you packed if there is something you can leave behind do it if not try to reorganize your carry on and swap things around.
    7. Lock and buckle: Its always a good idea to put a lock on your suitcase just to be safe. Also, to make it easier when you are at baggage claim and ensure no one accidentally takes your bag put a suitcase bright colored strap around it (mine is lime green).
  3. Preparing for air travel
    1. Be comfy: DO NOT I repeat DO NOT wear a sweatsuit to the airport I do not care if its Juicy Couture. Lets not fall in the “fashion police” category! I will consider you a “hot mess” for that! Yes, I know I said be comfy however, you still want to look stylish so be comfy but in style! 🙂 Wear something that can be mixed and matched with what you brought, preferably fabrics that are wrinkle resistant and I encourage you to also wear pants not a skirt or dress.
    2. Wear bulky: If you are traveling somewhere cold wear your jacket, boots, etc these items will be a deal breaker when it comes to weighing your suitcase.
    3. Flats not heels: Maybe you are a heel girl all the way but please lets make an exception here and wear FLATS! Not only do you look more at ease you actually look more chic, you are wearing the appropriate foot attire for traveling. Nothing is worse than a woman running in heels trying to catch her flight (now you should be early anyways because as a chic woman you are well prepare for your travels but just in-case lets not look a mess in the airport!)
    4. Carry a shawl: Well thanks to new airline changes, blankets and pillows are no longer provided. So, not only will this keep you warm on the plane it can serve as a mini pillow too!
    5. Bring little treasures: Airplane cabins are notorious for being dry so to keep yourself looking great pack lip balm, eye drops, bottled water and lotion!

Dressing bulky, great outfit for the airport!

See the shawl! This is a perfect example!

Travel style: DO (Cameron Diaz) & DONT (Cheryl Cole)

BEST LUGGAGE: Now that you know how to pack in a chic and successful manner it is only right that your luggage is of best quality! I highly recommend Tumi luggage as its considered to be the most durable and functional luggage brands around. They have great packing accessories if you like to be extra organized as well as the option to personalize your luggage too!  They have a lifetime guarantee and specialized carry-on bags when traveling out of the country. Check it out here: TUMI LUGGAGE

If my fashionaholic boyfriend can do it so can you, that man can fit a whole months wardrobe in a carry on! Now start packing…

Suede is taking over the world!!

Well if you haven’t already noticed, than you must be seriously blind. 🙂 Anyone that walks into a retail store will see the huge increase in everything from men’s loafers to women’s wedges consisting of SUEDE! Almost every style of shoe you could imagine is now being produced in suede the trend is catching on more and more. I have seen strappy heels, wedges, pumps, loafers, ballerina flats and sandals all made in suede. Anywhere from the whole shoe to a detailed accent and let me tell you I am totally OBSESSED! Every time I go to pick out a shoe 9 times out of 10 there is suede on them. Additionally, this past Friday one of my clients asked me to bring her heel options for two different dresses that she could go from day to evening in by using the same heel. I realised quickly as I started to pull the heels out of the boxes and explain why I felt each one could work a theme occurred. They were almost all done in suede. Suede is a great alternative to a classic leather or even a patent leather, I consider it to be the most versatile of fabrics. It is the perfect in-between shoe you can really dress it up or dress it down. It will really depend on how you style it by the accessories you wear and the outfit it is being paired with. The options are really endless with this fabric choice however my favorite ways to pair suede is with anything tweed or a light weight silk garment (either a blouse or dress). Suede has even migrated onto headbands, jackets, handbags and hats. FYI, you can not beat a suede handbag it has so much class and elegance a piece like this will take you through many seasons to come. However, if you are going to purchase your first addition to your wardrobe in suede I would stick to a shoe and more over probably a pump or wedge! And if you are shopping with your man you might as well encourage him to pick up a pair of suede loafers as they are a great shoe he can wear to the office as well as on a date.

THREE very important things to remember when wearing suede…

#1: CARE FOR YOUR SUEDE! You must take great care when wearing suede especially on your feet. The first thing you should do is brush them and then spray them with water repellent. I would continue this process every few weeks. There is also suede cleaner if you do get something on them. A suede shoe uncared for will be an unhappy and furthermore an ugly shoe

#2: SUEDE HAS NO LIMITS! Suede can be funky or classy, whichever you prefer just own the look. 🙂 As you will see below the options with suede are endless and you can chose to be funky or classic which ever fits your personal style. Again, its all how you style this trend, own it in your new suede shoes!! 🙂

#3: UGGS ARE NOT A SUEDE TREND!! Do not go buy a pair of Uggs and think you are following the newest hottest trend!

What I really love is all the fall color shades in suede; burgundy, green, navy blue, gray and brown. Many designers have taken a liking to this trend, such as Gucci, Miu Miu, Prada, Jeffery Campbell, Vince Camuto, Jimmy Choo, Steve Madden and the list goes on. Here are a few of my favorite suede choices: